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전문자료 검색결과 (90,404건) NAVER OpenAPI

The Effect of the Elements of Experiential Marketing on the Visitors` Satisfacion, Brand Attitude and Revisit Intention -Focused on Mun
Effects of Hotel Marketing Communications and the Factors that Affect Advertising and Sales Promotion Regarding Customer Satisfaction a
Response of Visitor for Local Festival toward Satisfaction, Trust, and Support, Based on the Perspective of Experiential Marketing 체
Empirical Analysis on Small and Medium Sized Exporting Company`s Utilization Motivation and performance of SNS Marketing 최근 중소
본 연구는 과거에 비하여 소비생활의 가치관이 다양해지면서 이에 따른 유통환경 역시 급속한 변화
A Study on the Effects of Internal Marketing Elements on the Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention and Custom
The effect of internal marketing of low-cost airlines on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and customer orientation of cabin
서비스품질, 인터널마케팅, 조직동일시, 직무만족
21세기 신경제 시대는 문화가 중심이 되고 있으며, 이에 따라 문화의 소비 환경이 급변하고 있다. 이
The Effects of Congruency between Corporate Image and Cause-related Marketing on Attitude toward Corporate and Cause-related Marketing